Abigail’s Garden Videos

See more at our YouTube channel here.


Abigail’s Garden Music!

Here are a few examples of the music we write and the genres we love to play. Our goal is to engage with all ages, express the beauty of music and to above all, have fun! We have lots more Irish music, both vocal and instrumental, in our repertoire as well as sooo many Folk songs, classics and originals! Hope to share them with you soon!!


“Thank you for a wonderful concert this evening!”

— Igaddiel Montijo, photographer


“These girls are taking my soul on a journey.”

— Gabriella GM, fan

Its been a pleasure having this Trio for some wonderful music in my backyard gardens this summer. They  have been a real blessing in this new time of life we are all in. Their music is peaceful and uplifting and with a dash of wit at times, sure to make you smile.

— Deborah Aberts, Bakers Woods


“The music is angelic. I love listening to them.”

— Bobby K, fan


Laurie Haines Reese (cello)